Warning: New forms of scams aimed at stealing banking service information

Vietcombank would like to inform our valued customers about various new forms of scams aimed at stealing banking service information and offer some recommendations to ensure the safety of your information and accounts.

Dear valued customers,

Recently, there have been emerging new forms of scams targeting the theft of banking service information, with the ultimate goal of taking money from customers' accounts.

The common method used in these scams is impersonating the bank or bank staff to request sensitive banking service information.

In order to safeguard your information and accounts, Vietcombank would like to inform you about these scam methods and provide the following recommendations:"

Scam methods  Vietcombank warning alert

The fraudsters send fraudulent messages containing deceptive links through SMS, email, chat applications, and even impersonate Vietcombank's brand in SMS messages to trick customers into clicking on the links and providing their digital banking and card service security information (such as login names, card numbers, passwords, OTP codes), thereby stealing money from customers' accounts.

Example of a fraudulent message:


ảnh minh họa


Vietcombank DOES NOT request customers to provide personal information through channels such as SMS messages, emails, or chat applications (Zalo, Viber, Facebook Messenger, etc.). Therefore, customers MUST NOT CLICK on these links.

In case you have clicked on the link, you MUST NOT PROVIDE ANY security information related to your account, digital banking services (login names, passwords, OTP codes), card services (card numbers, OTP codes), account information, or any other personal information.
The scammers impersonate bank employees and make phone calls to inquire or inform customers about various situations, such as:

- Confirming if the customer is expecting funds to be transferred.
- Claiming that the customer is experiencing issues with their banking services.
- Verifying a recent transaction made by the customer.
- Informing the customer that their card information has been compromised.
- Notifying the customer about a supposed account audit.

They then request the customer to provide security information related to their digital banking services (login names, card numbers, passwords, OTP codes), aiming to steal money from the customer's account.

Vietcombank DOES NOT make phone calls to request customers to provide security information. Therefore, customersSHOULD NOT PROVIDE any security information when receiving such phone calls.

Please be advised of the following:

  • Do not share personal information, banking service details, transaction information, etc., on social media to avoid falling victim to fraudsters who impersonate the bank or bank staff to contact you, request assistance, or ask for information to carry out fraudulent activities and steal funds from your account.
  • If you receive requests for information through such means as mentioned above, please inform us at your nearest Vietcombank branch or call our hotline at 1900 545413 to coordinate with relevant authorities in criminal investigations.
  • Additionally, for safe and efficient banking service usage, we strongly recommend that you always follow the security principles regularly updated by Vietcombank in the 'Safe Transactions' section on our official website.

Vietcombank sincerely appreciates your continued partnership with our bank!





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