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Vietcombank được Fitch Ratings nâng hạng tín nhiệm
Tổ chức xếp hạng tín nhiệm quốc tế Fitch Ratings điều chỉnh nâng đanhg giá sức
mạnh độc lập của Vietcombank.Cụ thể Fitch Ratings ngnaa đánh giá sức mạnh độc lập (VR) của Vietcombank từ
"b" lên "b+", đồng thời giữ nguyên xếp hạng tín nhiệm nhà phát hành nợ dài hạn ở
mức BB. Triển vọng IDR của ngân hàng được đánh giá ở mức tích cực, phù hợp với
triển vọng tích cực của xếp hạng tín nhiêm quốc gia của Việt Nam ở mức BB
1.Leads the industry in the top 10 innovative and effective enterprisesOn the afternoon of June 28, 2023, in Hanoi, the Vietnam Investment Review (VIR) in cooperation with the Vietnam Business Research Joint Stock Company (Viet Research) hosted a ceremony to announce and honor the top 50 Most Innovative Enterprises Vietnam 2023 (VIE50); top 10 Most Innovative Enterprises Vietnam 2023 in key economic sectors (VIE10). Vietcombank was recognized the first among the top 10 creative and effective trading banks and ranked the 2nd in the list of VIE50.
2023 marks the first year that the list of VIE50 and VIE10 is published by the VIR based on results of researches carried by Viet Research. The honored corporates are those that have applied creativity and innovation into their operations to enhance the production and business efficiency, consolidating its position in the market and contributing to the national development. -
Vietcombank được Fitch Ratings nâng hạng tín nhiệm
Tổ chức xếp hạng tín nhiệm quốc tế Fitch Ratings điều chỉnh nâng đanhg giá sức
mạnh độc lập của Vietcombank.Cụ thể Fitch Ratings ngnaa đánh giá sức mạnh độc lập (VR) của Vietcombank từ
"b" lên "b+", đồng thời giữ nguyên xếp hạng tín nhiệm nhà phát hành nợ dài hạn ở
mức BB. Triển vọng IDR của ngân hàng được đánh giá ở mức tích cực, phù hợp với
triển vọng tích cực của xếp hạng tín nhiêm quốc gia của Việt Nam ở mức BB -
3.Leading Digital Transformation BankOn May 26, 2023, in Ho Chi Minh City, within the framework of the Vietnam retail banking forum, Vietcombank was honored and awarded 3 prizes by the Organizing Committee of the Vietnam
Outstanding Banking Award 2023: “Outstanding Retail Banking Award 2023”; “Outstanding Digital Transformation Banking Award 2023”; “Bank accompanies small and medium enterprises 2023”.
The recognitions of Vietcombank in the three important award categories is meaningful and a testament to Vietcombank’s continuous efforts, great achievements and contributions in the past year.
1.Top 10 Banks With Best Working Environment in Vietnam & Top 500 Leading EmployersOn December 21, 2022, in Hanoi, Vietnam Business Research Corporation (Viet Research) in collaboration with Investment Newspaper organized the ceremony to announce the top 500 leading employers in Vietnam and the top 10 best workplaces in Vietnam in 2022, along with a human resources seminar with the mian topic: Building a Good Workplace - The Key to Sustainable Development.
Vietcombank was honored as the top-ranked bank in the top 10 best workplaces in Vietnam and ranked the 3rd in the top 500 leading employers in Vietnam (VBE500).
As revealed by the organizers, the 2022 survey results continued showing the synchronization, effectiveness, and sustainability in Vietcombank's management operations, human resource development, and the creation of a cohesive and happy work environment. These results reflected the bank's efforts in developing a corporate culture, building a strong employer brand, and establishing and maintaining the best working environment with competitive salary policies and attractive benefits for its staff.
2.Bank of the YearOn November 18, 2022, in Da Nang, during the Napas Member Banks Conference 2022, Vietcombank was honored to receive three major awards, including: Bank of the Year; Outstanding Bank in NAPAS Chip Card, and Outstanding Bank in VietQR Transaction. These awards were a testament to Vietcombank's efforts and achivements in continuous innovation, development, product improvement, and enhancement of service quality. Vietcombank was considered a pioneer in the banking industry, effectively contributing to the promotion of electronic payments and diversifying non-cash payment methods, in line with the direction of the Government and the State Bank.
3.Exemplary Enterprise For EmployeesOn November 11th 2022, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor cooperated with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in holding the Award Ceremony of “Exemplary Enterprise for Employees”. Vietcombank was honorably awarded the Certificate of Merit “Exemplary Enterprise for Employees” for the 3 consecutive times.
5.Leads the Top 10 Most Profitable Businesses in VietnamOn November 25, 2022, in Hanoi, Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) and the e-newspaper Vietnamnet co-hosted a ceremony to recognize the top 500 profit-making enterprises in Vietnam in 2022. Vietcombank maintained its position as one of the top 50 most profitable enterprises in Vietnam in the Profit500 2022 ranking, and first among banks in the ranking.
According to Vietnam Report's analysis of statistical data over the past 5 years, the average Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of profit for all companies in the Profit500 list was 10.12%, with the financial sector reaching 17.3%. These sectors were considered to have potential growth and bring valuable contribution to the economic recovery of Vietnam in the coming period.
6.The Strongest Brand In VietnamOn October 12, 2022, the Vietnam Economic Times hosted a ceremony to recognize and celebrate Vietnam’s Strongest brands. Vietcombank has been named in the top 10 strongest brands in Vietnam in the 9th consecutive year.
The evaluation criteria focused on the company's strategies, action plans, and performance, as demonstrated by the following processes: digital transformation; green transformation, energy efficiency, and prioritizing the use of clean energy; developing inclusive, human-centered, and shared production and business models; protecting the brand and emphasizing policies that benefit employees and the community; and the recovery and growth indicators of the company after the detrimental impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. -
7.Top 10 Prestigious Commercial BanksVietnam Report, in coordination with VietNamNet Newspaper, organized the ceremony to announce the top 50 reputable and efficient public companies and the top 10 reputable companies in the banking, insurance, and technology sectors in 2022. Vietcombank continued to be chosen as the leading bank in the list of the top 10 prestigious commercial banks in 2022 and was among the top 10 prestigious and efficient public companies.
This marked the 7th consecutive year in which Vietcombank had been honored as the top reputable commercial bank. The result was based on the independent research and evaluation conducted by Vietnam Report to honor efficient banks with significant industry positions that make positive contributions to the overall development of the sector, continuously strive for improvement, and leave a strong brand impression on customers, consumers, and investment partners. -
4.National Brand AwardOn November 2nd 2022, in Hanoi, the National Branding Council, Ministry of Industry and Tradeheld the eighth National Branding Programme Announcement Ceremony. Vietcombank was proud to be honored as a National Brand for 8 consecutive times. Vietcombank's consecutive achievement of the "Vietnam National Brand" award for 8 times reflects the effectiveness of its operations, outstanding asset quality, and diverse services within the banking system. With the guiding principles of "Transformation - Efficiency - Sustainability" and a management directive of "Responsibility - Determination - Innovation," in 2022, the entire Vietcombank system made concerted efforts and achieved positive business results. The business scale experienced good growth, credit quality was closely controlled, and the business outcomes met the set targets as scheduled.
1.Top 10 Businesses Meeting Business Culture Standards in VietnamOn December 5, 2021, in Hanoi, the Central Party’s Committee for Publicity and Education (the Organizer of the Campaign to build Vietnamese corporate culture) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Central Executive Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry coordinated to organize the annual national “Culture & Business” Forum.
The event was a practical activity to implement the campaign of “Building Vietnamese corporate culture” launched by the Prime Minister as well as raised by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 2021 National Cultural Conference.
At the forum, there was a preliminary activity of the campaign “Building Vietnamese corporate culture” and a ceremony to honor enterprises meeting business culture standards. Vietcombank was honored to be named as one of the first 10 enterprises that met business culture standards in Vietnam -
2.Ranked First Among Banks in The Top Vietnam’s 500 Most Profitable Businesses
On November 25, 2021, at the National Convention Center in Hanoi, Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) and the e-newspaper Vietnamnet co-hosted a ceremony to recognize the top 500 profit-making enterprises in Vietnam in 2021. Vietcombank maintained its position as one of the top 50 most profitable enterprises in Vietnam in the Profit500 2021 ranking, ranking third place, surpassing 497 other enterprises (in the Top 500) and ranking first among banks in the ranking.
According to Vietnam Report, the honored businesses / enterprises are representatives that have achieved impressive business performance, good profitability, have the potential to become a pillar of the future development of the economy of Vietnam
3.Leading The Ranking of The Top 10 Prestigious Vietnamese Commercial BanksOn October 21, 2021, Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) partnered with VietNamNet Electronic Newspaper - Ministry of Information and Communications to hold a ceremony to honor the top 10 prestigious bank and top 50 prestigious and effective public companies. Vietcombank was honoured to be voted the ranking’s leader.
In 2021, the first ranking of the top 50 prestigious and effective public companies (VIX50) was announced to recognize public companies that have made exceptional efforts to overcome the pandemic’s challenges, seize new opportunities and achieve extraordinary results in the provision of products and services for customers, creating an impressive image in the public and investors, demonstrating growth potential, sustainable development level, management quality and position in the market.
2021 was the 6th consecutive year that Vietcombank was honored as the leader in Top 10 prestigious commercial banks.
4.Top 10 Strongest Brand In VietnamOn October 13, 2021, the Vietnam Economic Review hosted a ceremony to recognize and celebrate Vietnam’s Top 10 strongest brands. With the theme “Overcoming challenges”, the event honored brands that exhibited the ability to adapt, survive, and grow during the COVID-19 pandemic. Vietcombank has been named to the top 10 strongest brands in Vietnam in the 8th consecutive year.
The Vietnam Strong Brand Program 2020-2021 conducted a survey and provided feedback based on a variety of criteria, including: business results, brand protection, product and service quality, leadership capacity, human resources, corporate community responsibility, environmental commitment , digital transformation application, appropriate and effective production management in the new context. In particular, the innovation index, digital transformation, enterprise restructuring, and adaption of production and business models in response to the new situation.
5.VCB Digibank Banking Won The Sao Khue AwardOn April 24th 2021, The Vietnam Software and Information Technology Services Association (VINASA) held a ceremony, to announce and award the 2021 Sao Khue Award. Vietcombank’s VCB Digibank service was highly commended by the jury and recognized during the ceremony announcing and presenting the 2021 Sao Khue Award.
VCB Digibank’s digital banking service is built on the consolidation of Vietcombank’s separate transaction platforms on Internet Banking and Mobile Banking, providing a seamless, uniform, and entirely new customer experience. Since its launch in July 2020, thanks to superior features and utilities, VCB Digibank has attracted a wide range of customers with transaction volume and value consistently maintainned at an impressive growth rate.
1.National BrandIn November 2020, the National Branding Council, Ministry of Industry and Trade held the 2020 National Branding Programme Announcement Ceremony in Hanoi.
The programme was held for the 7th time in 2020 from the first season in 2008. This is a specific, long-term, and unique trading promotion programme of the Government with 3 values: “Quality – Innovation – Leadership”.
Vietcombank was proud to be the only bank honored as a National Brand for 7 consecutive times. Over the past time, Vietcombank had recently made significant breakthroughs in its operational efficiency to become the market leader in terms of profitability, making tremendous contributions to the State budget and actively participating in development of the Community
2.Exemplary Enterprise For EmployeesIn October 2020, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor cooperated with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in holding the Award Ceremony of “Exemplary Enterprise for Employees” for the 2nd time. The ceremony honored 50 ranked companies in 2019, in which 30 companies were awarded the Certificate of Merit by the Organizers, 8 companies were proudly awarded and the Certificate for Merit by the Prime Minister. Vietcombank was honorably awarded the Certificate of Merit “Exemplary Enterprise for Employees” by the Prime Minister for consecutively twice.
3.Largest Tax Paying Bank In VietnamIn October 2020, the General Department of Taxation held aceremony to honor taxpayers and announced the launch of of 479-channel system providing information on the tax payment procedure via the electronic portal Etax.
In 2020, Vietcombank was proudly among the group of 30 companies withrepresentative and excellent performance in the adherence to the law on Taxation and compliance with the obligations to pay tax to the State Budget, honored by the Ministry of Finance and awarded the Certificate of Merit in the ceremony. With outstanding business performance, Vietcombank is always the commercial bank making the most contribution to the State Budget. In the period of 2015-2019, Vietcombank had contributed to the State Budget over VND 30,700 billion, in which the total amount of tax and fee was over VND 19 trillion, total dividends paid to the State shareholders -
4.Among The Top 50 Best Listed Companies In Vietnam By Forbes For 8 Consecutive YearsIn October 2020, Forbes Vietnam held a Ceremony to honor 50 best public companies in Vietnam in 2020. This was the 8th time since Forbes Vietnam held this list to select and honor the best companies in the stock market. Vietcombank was honored as the company that was still able to stand stably with the position of 50 best public companies by Forbes Vietnam for 8 years. As assessed by Forbes Vietnam: In 2020, Vietcombank ranked 937th, the highest ranking ever, in the list of Global 2,000 (2,000 largest companies in the world) – the rankings were based on the revenue, profit, capitalization, and assets. There are 4 Vietnamese companies in the list which Vietcombank ranked No. 1 among 3 banks of which.
5.Leading Bank In Top 50 Most Profitable Companies In VietnamIn October 2020, in Hanoi, the Announcement of Top 500 Most Profitable Companies in Vietnam (PROFIT500) 2020 was held by Vietnam Report JSC in collaboration of VietNamNet - Ministry of Information and Communications. 2020 was the fourth consecutive year in which the PROFIT500 rankings were announced and the first year in which the list of Top 50 best profitable companies in Vietnam (Vietnam Best Profitable) was announced. Vietcombank was honored as the leader among banks in Vietnam in Top 50 best profitable companies in Vietnam.
6.Greatest Brand Value In Banking Industry LeaderIn August 2020, Forbes Vietnam announced the list of 50 leading brands in business sectors in Vietnam in 2020. Accordingly, Vietcombank was the bank with the greatest brand value with USD 251 million and also the only bank among top 10. Vietcombank is in which of 6 banks in this list, had the greatest brand value. Our Bank also was the only bank to be listed in Top 10. According to Forbes, 10 leading brands accounted for 60% of the total value of the list by value.
7.Leading in Top 10 Most Prestigious Commercial Banks In Vietnam 2020In September 2020, Top 10 prestigious companies in key industries including banking industry was announced by Vietnam Report JSC in collaboration with Vietnamnet. 2020 was the third consecutive year when Vietcombank was honored as the leader in Top 10 prestigious commercial banks in Vietnam. Vietcombank was also the only company to represent the banking industry among Top 10 prestigious public companies in 2020.
All of the companies honored in Top 10 prestigious companies 2020 were companies with efficient operations, stable position in the industry, making significant contributions to the overall development of the economy. Vietcombank also the the brand which is trusted by many people in Vietnamese market in recent years
8.Continuously Honored as The Bank With Best Working Environment in Vietnam in 5 consecutive Years
In October 2020, the survey “100 best places to work in Vietnam 2020” was announced by Anphabe – a pioneer consultant in branding solutions and happy working environment in Vietnam and Intage - a leading market research company in Japan.
Vietcombank continued to affirm its position as the bank with the most attractive working environment when ranking No. 1 in the banking industry and No. 2 in the entire Vietnamese job market and among Top 50 Vietnamese enterprises with most attractive employer brand. With this year’s survey result, Vietcombank continuously to be the leading bank with the best working environment in 5 consecutive years t in Vietnam. -
9.Greatest Brand Value In Banking IndustryIn August 2020, Forbes Vietnam announced the list of 50 leading brands in business sectors in Vietnam in 2020. Accordingly, Vietcombank was the bank with the greatest brand value with USD 251 million and also the only bank to be listed in top 10.
1.The best working environment bank in VietnamOn March 27, 2019, Anphabe - a pioneering employer branding and happy workplace solution provider in Vietnam - together with Intage - a leading market research company in Japan - announced the results of the "100 Best Places to Work in Vietnam" survey. Vietcombank reaffirmed its position as the bank with the most attractive working environment, ranking first among all banks and second in the overall Vietnam market. It climbed two positions compared to 2017 and secured a spot in the top 50 most appealing employer brands among Vietnamese businesses.
2.Top 10 Vietnamese excellent brands in 2019On April 5-6 in2019, The Vietnam Economic Times held the 18th annual Golden Dragon Awards and Vietnamese Excellent Brands 2019 Festival with the theme of “New Prestige, New Opportunity” in Hanoi.
In 2019, Both FDI and Vietnamese enterprises were voted and recognized based on their outstanding achievements in production and business activities, proactive innovation, digital transformation, and contributions to community development. Vietcombank was honored in the Top 10 Vietnamese Excellent Brands in 2019.
3.Leading in best-performing billion dollar companies in VietnamOn 27 June, 2019, Nhip Cau Dau Tu (Investment Bridge) Magazine held a ceremony in Ho Chi Minh City to announce and honor the “Vietnam’s 50 best performing companies” (Top 50). Vietcombank was listed in the Top 50 for the 7th year in a row and
became the leading bank among the best-performing
billion-dollar businesses in Vietnam.
4.Most prestigious bank in VietnamIn August 8, 2019, a ceremony in honor of the Top 10 Prestigious Commercial Banks in Vietnam
and Top 10 Prestigious Listed Companies 2019 was held by Vietnam Report JSC (Vietnam Report) in Hanoi. Vietcombank once again ranked the first in the Top 10 Prestigious Commercial Banks in Vietnam. It was the third consecutive year Vietcombank had been honored to receive this award.
5.The largest bank by market capitalization (over 10 billion USD)Forbes Vietnam announced the list of the 50 best listed companies in 2019. This is the 7th time Forbes Vietnam has compiled this list in Vietnam.
The list of the top 50 best listed companies in 2019 by Forbes Vietnam ranks and selects companies with the best business performance, listed on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HSX) and the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX). The companies in the list are mostly industry leaders or have established a competitive advantage in their sectors, categorized according to different industries.
1.National brandOn December 20, 2018, in Hanoi, the National Brand Council and the Ministry of Industry and Trade held a ceremony to announce the product brands that achieved "National Brand" in 2018.
Vietcombank is the only bank to be honored with "National Brand" 6 consecutive times
2.Outstanding retail bankOn November 28 - 29, 2018, in Ho Chi Minh City, the Vietnam Banks' Association (VNBA) and the International Data Group (IDG) co-organized the "Retail Banking Forum 2018" and the award ceremony "Outstanding retail bank in 2018".
At the program, Vietcombank was awarded the "Outstanding retail bank" award by the Organizing Committee. In 2018, Vietcombank strongly developed retail banking services. With its brand reputation, domestic network and expanding overseas operations as well as a worldwide correspondent banking system, Vietcombank is a leading bank in retail fields such as cards. Currently, Vietcombank is promoting the retail services segment with the goal of becoming the No. 1 bank in Vietnam by 2020.
3.The Biggest Corporate Tax Paying Bank In Vietnam
On August 3, 2018, in Hanoi, the General Department of Taxation held a ceremony to announce the 1,000 largest corporate income tax payers in Vietnam in 2017 to praise, honor and encourage businesses that have made great contributions to the national budget. In the top 10, Vietcombank ranked 4th and continues to be the largest corporate taxpayer in the Vietnamese banking system. This is the 8th time Vietcombank has been honored in this list.
4.The Most Prestigious Bank in VietnamOn July 25, 2018, in Hanoi, Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) cooperated with VietnamNet to organize the Vietnam CEO Summit 2018 with the theme "Artificial Intelligence Economic Era": Lessons from Harvard dictionaries and the world's elite" and the honoring ceremony of "Top 10 prestigious banks in Vietnam" in 2018.
Vietcombank continued to be voted with the achievement of 2 consecutive years (2017 - 2018) leading in the top 10 prestigious commercial banks in Vietnam.
5.Top 50 Best Listed Companies In VietnamOn the evening of July 26, 2018, in Ho Chi Minh City, Forbes Vietnam Magazine held a ceremony to honor the 50 best listed companies in Vietnam in 2018.
This is the 6th time Forbes Vietnam has made this list with the aim of selecting and honoring the best companies on the stock market. Vietcombank is honored to be voted in the group of 18 companies that after 6 years still retain their position in the list of 50 best listed companies of Forbes Vietnam.
6.Most Valuable Bank Brand In Vietnam
On July 30, 2018, Forbes Vietnam Magazine announced the list of 40 most valuable corporate brands, with a total value of 40 brands of more than 8.1 billion USD, an increase of more than 30% compared to the previous year. list published in 2017. This is the second consecutive year that Vietcombank continues to hold its position as the most valuable bank brand in the list voted by Forbes Vietnam Magazine.
7.To be Outstanding Enterprises for Employees Bank for the 5th consecutive timeOn December 15, 2018, in Hanoi, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a ceremony to honor the "Outstanding Enterprises for Employees" in 2018.
The ranking of "Outstanding Enterprises for Employees" is evaluated based on a strict set of criteria developed by labor experts and unions, ensuring the good relationship between VCB and employees as well as meeting the needs of income, training, working environment, social benefits, and physical and mental fostering activities of the labours.
As the leading bank in business efficiency, Vietcombank always pays special attention to employees. The working conditions and working environment are of utmost concern to Vietcombank, bringing employees closer to the agency, at the same time strongly promoting the creativity of employees at work to improve work quality and efficiency.
8.Most Outstanding Transaction Of The DecadeOn August 8, 2018, in Ho Chi Minh City, under the auspices of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Investment Newspaper cooperated with AVM Vietnam to organize the 10th annual Vietnam M&A Forum in 2018 with the theme "A Turning Point of a New Era!".
Within the framework of the forum, the typical M&A deal selection committee also announced the list of typical M&A deals and consultants of the year 2017 - 2018 and of the decade 2009 - 2018.
Vietcombank was honored to be awarded the medal and certificate by the Council of Voting Council for "Most Outstanding Transaction Of The Decade" (2009 - 2018).
Evaluation of the "Most Outstanding Transaction Of The Decade" awarded to Vietcombank, the voting board said: In September 2011, Vietcombank announced the sale of 15% shares to Mizuho. This investment is equivalent to 562 million USD. Notably, not only being the first strategic partner, Mizuho will also be Vietcombank's only foreign strategic partner.
9.The leading Bank In Top 10 Most Profitable Companies In VietnamIn 2018, Vietnam Report voted and announced the list of the top 10 most profitable companies in Vietnam.
Vietcombank excellently presented in the top 10 most profitable companies in Vietnam of the 2018 profit500 ranking and continues to stay in the position of leading bank.
Enterprises were honored in the 2018 profit500 ranking are typical outstanding, efficient and profitable business achievements.
1.Top 10 largest corporate taxpayers in VietnamIn 2017, the General Department of Taxation (Ministry of Finance) announced the list of 1,000 largest taxpayers. In the top 10, Vietcombank is considered as the largest tax paying bank in the system.
This is the 7th time Vietcombank has been honored in this list.
2.Bank for the communityOn December 5, 2017, at the awarding ceremony "Vietnam Outstanding Banking 2017" organized by the Vietnam Banks Association in collaboration with the International Data Group IDG to honor the banks that have had outstanding activities. For outstanding performance and typical contributions to the development of the banking industry in particular and the financial sector in general, Vietcombank was honored to be awarded the "Bank for the Community 2017" award.
3.Enterprise for employeesOn November 29, 2017, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a ceremony to honor "Enterprise for employees". Vietcombank is honored for the 4th time in a row to be honored "Enterprise for employees”.
The ranking of "Enterprises for employees" is evaluated based on a strict set of criteria developed by experts on labor and trade unions, ensuring a close reflection of the actual situation of employment and treatment of employees. employees in all aspects.
4.Top 50 Best Vietnamese Listed CompaniesOn September 14, 2017, Forbes Vietnam Magazine held a ceremony to honor the 50 best listed companies in Vietnam 2017. Vietcombank was honored to be voted in the list for the 5th time in a row.
Forbes Vietnam made this list for the purpose of selecting and honoring the best companies on the stock market, the comment is based on financial information on revenue and profit brought to investors, growth rate and long-term outlook.
5.The Most Prestigious BankOn July 18, 2017, Vietcombank was honored to be awarded the "The Most Prestigious Bank" award, being the first bank in the top 10 prestigious commercial banks in Vietnam.
The award results are announced by Vietnam Report and VietnamNet Newspaper, based on the synthesis of assessments of the bank's reputation from the influential media (as of May 31, 2017), from the perspective of the bank. clients as well as financial professionals.
6.Leading Banks In The List Of 50 most effective trading companies in vietnamOn June 9, 2017, Nhip Cau Dau Tu Magazine cooperated with Thien Viet Securities Company (TVS) to announce the list of "50 most effective companies in Vietnam".
The ranking shows business results and reflects corporate governance capacity in 2016. Vietcombank was voted in the top 20 and is the leading bank in the list of banks named in the ranking. This is the 6th time in a row that Vietcombank has been named in the ranking.
1.Best Market MakerAwarded by Vietnam Bond Market Association (VBMA)
2.Top 50 outstanding enterprises in VietnamVoted and awarded by Vietnam Report.
3.Top 500 Largest Enterprises In VietnamVoted and awarded by Vietnam Report
4.Top 100 Vietnam Best Places To WorkJointly surveyed and awarded by Anphabe and Nielsen
1.Top 100 Vietnam Best Places To WorkThe list of 100 best places to work in Vietnam is an annual poll organized by Anphabe and Nielsen. The 2015 evaluation standard set includes 46 elements, revolving around 6 main criteria: Salary, bonus, welfare, development opportunities, culture and values, leadership team, quality of work and life, company reputation. Vietcombank was also evaluated by Anphabe as one of the top 3 companies in terms of employee benefits in 2015
2.Top 50 best listed companies in Vietnam
Companies included in Forbes' ranking are those that are listed on stock markets and have exemplary industry performance, dominant market positions, and strong investor returns. In order to retain its market-leading positions in trade financing (30% market share) and foreign payments (16.32% market share), Vietcombank was ranked by Forbes Vietnam as having a more diverse income structure than many other major commercial banks in Vietnam.
3.Top 10 largest corporate taxpayers in VietnamIn 2015, Vietcombank continued to be voted in the top 10 largest corporate taxpayers in Vietnam. Voting and ranking results are made by Vietnam Report, VNR 500 Advisory Council and General Department of Taxation.
4.Strong Brand of VietnamIn 2015, Vietcombank continued to maintain its position in the top 10 Vietnamese strong brands for 12 consecutive years. The award is organized by Vietnam Economic Times to honor typical enterprises in production and business.
Corporates that maintain a strong brand position all have good growth and development results, trying to overcome difficulties in the context of the prolonged regional and world economic crisis; have a strategic plan to improve competitiveness in terms of human resources, technology, quality and services so that they can proactively welcome opportunities and challenges from international economic integration.
5.Outstanding retail banking awardConsidered as the main award, honored first at the award ceremony of the 2015 Retail Banking Forum, organized by IDG & VNBA. Vietcombank was honored to be awarded the “Outstanding retail banking 2015".
To get this award, the bank had to go through a review and evaluation process during the previous 6 months with a serious and thorough process, including submitting the required assessment documents and meetings. Interview, survey the situation directly at each bank.
6.Top 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam and top 50 excellent enterprisesThe corporates named in this list are the most typical representatives of the Vietnamese business community, which have affirmed their position by achieving the following standards: size, profit, largest contribution to the national budget, and best growth rate between 2011 and 2014.
7.Leading Prestige Bank for Media Prestige of Banking sectorAccording to Vietnam Report, Vietcombank is a well-run business that has made significant contributions to the community throughout the course of its long history of establishment and growth. By taking the appropriate step in the right direction, not being intimidated of innovation, and continually succeeding with the suggested plan, the bank has consistently demonstrated its bravery. The ranking position also demonstrated the public's appreciation for Vietcombank's standing, operational effectiveness, proactive information-sharing, efficient information-flow governance, and steadily increasing information transparency in accordance with international best practices and standards.
1.National BrandThe program is approved by the Prime Minister and assigned to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to implement in coordination with other ministries and departments to build the image of Vietnam. Taking place every two years, this is the only program executed by the Government of Vietnam with a view to promoting the national image and brands through product brands (goods and services), in association with 3 values of Innovation - Creativity - Leadership.
2014 was the 4th consecutive year in which Vietcombank was recognized and awarded the logo of National Brand by the National Branding Council.
2.Awards for Service QualityAwarded as the Leading Electronic Banking services
provider and Card services provider in Vietnam, from the results of a survey of 100 tried & tested products and services through Vietnam. The survey is conducted by the Vietnam Economic Times every year, which honors the entities, companies and enterprises whose products and services are highly valued by consumers in terms of quality and reputation.
Ranked top 3 in popularity for electronic banking in Vietnam, and amongst the Top 5 for Internet Banking and Mobile Banking services from the results of a program of recognition for popular electronic banks in Vietnam - the ‘My EBank 2014’, performed by the VnExpress -
3.Notable Equalization CompanyAwarded at the 2014 M&A Forum program, which was organized by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Vietnam Investment Review and the VMA. Vietcombank was the only bank to be honored amongst its peer equalization companies.
4.Top 50 Best Performing In VietnamIn-depth survey results and annual corporate ranking by the Nhip Cau Dau Tu Magazine organized with the participation of Consultancy Council consisting of financial analysts from Harvard Business School (USA), Morgan Stanley, McKinsey & Company, etc
5.Top 10 Largest Corporate Taxpayers in VietnamVoted as one of the 10 largest enterprises to pay the largest corporate income tax in Vietnam. Results are voted and ranked by Vietnam Report, VNR500 Consultancy Council and General Department of Taxation.
6.Strong Brand of VietnamThe annual award is organized by Vietnam Economic Times to honor notable enterprises in business activities.