To minimise the risks when conducting card transactions, what should customers pay attention to?

To ensure the safety of card transactions, Vietcombank recommends that customers adhere to the following principles:

1. Before and after receiving the card:

   - Read the Card Usage Agreement carefully before signing the Issuance Application and Card Usage Agreement.
   - Verify the information on the card to ensure it matches the details you provided when receiving the card at the bank branch.
   - Change your Personal Identification Number (PIN) for debit cards provided by the bank at an ATM immediately after receiving the card to activate it. Please avoid using numbers related to personal information such as birthdates, phone numbers, license plate numbers, etc., to prevent the exposure of sensitive information.

2. Card storage:

   - Do not hand your card to anyone else except bank staff or designated employees of service providers for transactions. Only provide your card to bank staff when conducting transactions or procedures at bank branches; avoid handing your card to others outside the bank premises.
   - Do not disclose your PIN or card number to anyone. Keep this information confidential.
   - Keep your card safely in your wallet, where you can easily see it whenever you open your wallet to help you detect any loss promptly.
   - Change your PIN regularly.
   - Avoid storing your PIN together with your card.
   - Keep track of daily usage limits and cash withdrawal limits for each card transaction to control your spending.

3. When using ATMs:

   - Always cover the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN.
   - Observe carefully before conducting ATM transactions. Do not proceed with the transaction if the ATM appears to have any suspicious or unusual devices.
   - Inspect the card reader, keypad, and screen location carefully to ensure nothing is abnormal, such as scratches, wires, tape marks on or near the card reader, or any attached devices on the ATM.
   - Always check your cash and retrieve your card after completing a transaction. Compare the transaction details printed on the receipt or the SMS message sent to your phone.
4. When making transactions at POS terminals:

   - Ensure that transactions are performed within your sight, allowing you to observe the card swipe by the cashier. Request that the cashier does not take photos or note down any card information.
   - Complete POS transactions by entering your PIN (if required). Always cover the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN.
   - For Chip cards, always request payment via the Chip reader and only allow transactions through the magnetic stripe if the POS terminal lacks a Chip reader.
   - Carefully review the transaction details and the total amount to be paid before signing the transaction receipt.
   - Retrieve your card immediately after completing the transaction.
   - Retain payment receipts and related documents to reconcile with your card account statements.

5. When conducting online transactions:

   - Only transact on reputable websites/mobile apps with high security. Type the full website address in the browser's address bar instead of clicking on available or suggested links.
   - Use your personal computer or phone for transactions instead of public devices and Wi-Fi networks at companies, cafes, or internet shops. If using public devices, remember to disable automatic saving of personal information, account details, and card information on web browsers.
   - Install and regularly update reliable antivirus programs on your computer.
   - Avoid installing software from untrusted sources.
   - Change your passwords regularly and avoid using the same password for all accounts.
   - Never save login credentials and card information in your browser when conducting transactions. Log out of apps and websites after completing transactions.
   - Review the terms and conditions of websites before agreeing to transactions or payments.
   - Do not leave your screen/device unattended during online transactions.
   - If you detect or suspect any intrusion into your card information, do not proceed with the transaction. Take immediate emergency steps to block your card and contact Vietcombank for assistance.

6. Miscellaneous:

   - Register for balance change notification services (SMS Alerts) to receive notifications for any card transactions.
   - Register for VCB Digibank services to monitor card transaction information, proactively block online spending on cards, block cards in case of suspicious risks, and control your spending on various channels.
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