Products & Services


    Frequent Questions & Answers

    • 1. What is the maximum funding term of the Trade loan product?

      Vietcombank sponsors with a maximum funding term of less than 1 year.

    • 2. Can the trade loan of the draft/ documents discount transactions under L/C be made after the maturity date for payment of the documents?
      Vietcombank only makes trade loans for discounting transactions of drafts/documents under L/C with a term not exceeding the remaining payment term of such draft/documentation and, in all cases less than 1 year. Therefore, Vietcombank does not make trade loans for discounting transactions of bills of exchange/documentation under L/C after the due date of the set of documents.
    • 3. Can the issuing bank be paid in full or a part of the trade loan before the maturity date?

      Vietcombank considers making payment of all or part of the trade loan before the maturity date on the basis of a request from the Issuing Bank.